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Covered Call Strategy
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What is a Covered Call?

     A Covered Call is simply buying Stock and then Selling a Call Option to produce income.  It is called 'Covered' because, if the option expires 'In The Money' (ITM), then the stock would be 'called away' from you, hence the contract you sold is 'covered',  but you get to keep the premium you got by selling the call, thus producing income.  Many people have, for years, used covered calls to generate nice rates of return on their portfolios and this method can be used in most retirement accounts.  You may want to first learn more about options in general before undertaking a covered call strategy, if these terms or concepts are new to you.

Steps for Managing a Covered Call

While Covered Calls are easy to get into, they can sometimes be troublesome to get out of profitably in the event of large stock price movement.  This is where many people make mistakes that can lead to big losses instead of the desired profits.

For my own Covered Call trading, I have distilled the possible outcomes of Stock Price movement over Time while in a Covered Call trade into several Steps that I follow like a Blueprint or a Checklist to guide me for the best chance of a positive outcome.  This guide coupled with patience and, sometimes, a little judgement, has been giving me great results and peace of mind.